Category Archives for "Recipes"

blonde brownies

Butterscotch Blonde Brownies

By Holly Giles | Recipes

Butterscotch blonde brownies Have you ever heard of Butterscotch blonde brownies? These brownies are a perfect treat for the kids and they have some veggies hidden inside!  My husband says that brownies are not blonde, only brown, so I should call it cake.  These blondes have more fun with some butterscotch and carrots mixed in for […]

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blueberry zucchini

Blueberry Zucchini Bread

By Holly Giles | Recipes

Blueberry Zucchini Bread Blueberry zucchini bread is perfect for the hot summers here in Florida. Loads of zucchini and other vegetables and fruits are in season and abundant for feeding hungry boys. The farmers’ Market is a great place to start. Picking blueberries in Florida Let’s face it ya’ll, it is hot here in Florida and even […]

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