The Best Homeschool Day

By Holly Giles | homeschooling

It seems that the best homeschool day is sought after by many. New homeschool moms are on the quest to find it. Moms who are a few years in circle the wagons with newer, better curriculum to see if that will help them discover it. However, I discovered the best homeschool day quite by accident.

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how to homeschool through holidays

How to Homeschool Through the Holidays

By Holly Giles | homeschooling

Early years Homeschooling during the holidays can be frustrating and stressful. Planning in advance what your goals are will help you avoid a January depression and thoughts of quitting. In my early years of homeschooling, I wanted to cram every holiday opportunity into our schedules. My boys needed to have many memories of festive activities. […]

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